Up bobongo pressphoto » 2009-04-16b Prev Next Slideshow

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P12 Our new guide and luggage transporter Bora guiding us on the river. We can fight the river in a more hoounest way now.
P14 Bora , our guide and angel in this hot and dark part of the Congo.
P18 Batetela village where we spend the night
P20 Our Excursion kayak fraternising once again with Congolese pirogues.
P21 Portrait of fisherman's woman that lives in camp near the river.
  P22 African bees are real bitches. We were attacked every five minutes and I counted more than 35 bee-stings on my body. Hand s.jpg  
P22 Ferry for locals on Lukenie river
P23 Taking a rest at a ferry point. Our kayk is already becoming a legend in these parts of the Congo.
P24 campsite near river and securing the kayak for the night.
P26 Bivouac near river
P30 Without this tool I would have been eaten by mosquitos and snakes the first night out in the jungle.

P22 African bees are real bitches. We were attacked every five minutes and I counted more than 35 bee-stings on my body. Hand s Download
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